Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Gentleman Wolf in sheep’s clothing in the dreamy drunken void.......Doe, Blast Rhombus and Interzone Express live at the Crown and Anchor.

Warm gentle noise, a subtly hypnotic natural unforced mind meld channelling through waves and static, spells of synthesizer coursing in and around minimal guitar licks...such is the dream of Like Leaves members’ project, Interzone Express. I am in a Vin Rouge haze all topped up with cheap lager and going with the flow, wrapped in sheepskin, against the cold. 

Blast Rhombus follow with flowing noise of dual guitars meandering along with mechanical yet warm sounding percussive acid loops, led by a chiming jewel-like mystic hexagon effect stage right. An engaging man-made hypnosis.

Doe. A big group sound; guitars, laptop and maybe a Kaoss pad nestled in there somewhere. Warm loud form defying noise, a static android dream, a wall of sound to headline the Cranka. Several attempts were made to slam out a rhythm in the centre of their noise maze but the overwhelming arrhythmic force would not yield to the beat. In my head I can hear a cold slamming Velvet Underground / early Butthole Surfers stand up drum beat booming into the psyched sonic front but ‘twas not to be. But no matter, the hovering ambivalent haze droning through my dreamy headstock suited me just fine. All through the place a great songless plain dominated, an unhating, maybe loving, maybe indifferent vibe stretching out into the night. The band seemed quite insular, playing as if it didn’t matter if the audience was there or not, locked inside communicating through guitars and processors and in the meantime my head is spinning with memories and grape and grain and talk of Thai Surf Guitar, Pre-Khmer Rouge Cambodian Pop and North Korean Funk. Investigations are due Sir William.

Dominic J Clark

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