He presents us here with a crisply produced yet vocally raw mix of balls-out debauched big OG tunes with various associates guesting and an alternate vein of free-flowing introvert numbers which are maybe more relentless with their true grit and surprisingly honest reflections on tragedy, addiction and self-harm. In tracks like 'I Feel Good' and 'Only Human' he unpretentiously taps into raw issues of the human condition and manages to sidestep indulgent self pity. These creative confessions, a-rush with bleakness and self-analysis might have been tough for an audience to reconcile with the macho party tunes next door but they bind well and add back story to those devil-may-fuck debauchery anthems. Back story like the loss of his mum at an early age, the kind of tragedy in youth that leads to depression that fuels a nihilistic screw-the-consequences death wish that in turn leads to much good art and music. Full bore creativity that breaks down barriers. Dave's creativity seems to particularly flourish here in the realm of black comedy, or simply comedy with lines such as, 'Glued to the top spot like a toupee.' Touché Enlish.
Dominic J Clark
Nature Loves Courage
Courage Rating: CCCCC (5/5 C's)
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Nature Loves Courage recommended tracks:
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'I Feel Good' 'Karaoke' 'Arrogance is Bliss' 'Head in the Clouds'
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